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How to Mine Garlicoin on Windows Using an NVIDIA GPU

Pool Mining

Ensure your Garlicoin wallet is set up before starting. See the Windows Wallet Guide for more info.

Step 1: Downloading the Files

Download FancyIX Miner and place it in its own folder, such as "Pool Nvidia Miner".

Step 2: Setting Up the Miner

Create a new text file, rename it to Run-Miner-Pool-Nvidia.bat, and edit it with the following command:

ccminer-win64 --algo=allium -o POOL -u ADDRESS --max-temp=85

Note: --max-temp=85 prevents overheating. Adjust only if you know your GPU's temperature limits.

Step 3: Start Mining

Run Run-Miner-Pool-Nvidia.bat. The miner may take 1-10 minutes to calibrate.

Solo Mining

Warning: Use the correct software for solo mining (Nanashi ccminer).

Step 1: Downloading the Files

Download the Solo Miner and extract it to a separate folder, e.g., "Solo Nvidia Miner".

Step 2: Setting Up the Miner

Create a new text file named Run-Miner-Solo-Nvidia.bat and add:

ccsolominer.exe --algo=allium -o -u user -p password --coinbase-addr=ADDRESS --no-stratum --no-longpoll --max-temp=85

Step 3: Setting Up Garlicoin Core

Edit garlicoin.conf in Garlicoin Core to:


Make sure user and password match your .bat file settings, then restart Garlicoin Core.

Step 4: Start Mining

Run Run-Miner-Solo-Nvidia.bat to begin mining. Initial calibration may take up to 10 minutes.

Improving Performance

Max Temperature

The recommended max temperature is 85°C, but you can check the specific limit for your GPU on NVIDIA's website and adjust --max-temp as needed. Adjustments are at your own risk.


get_work Errors

all CUDA Capable Devices Are Busy or Unavailable

Disable DSR factors in the NVIDIA Control Panel.

Spamming 0 kH/s

Disable DSR factors. Older GPUs (Compute Capability < 3.0) are not supported for allium mining.

no CUDA-capable Device Detected

Ensure updated NVIDIA drivers and GPU compatibility (Compute Capability ≥ 3.0).

Access Is Denied

Disable any antivirus blocking the mining software.